Women’s History Month

Dr. PamelaCelebrations, Company Profiles, Holidays, Leadership 1 Comment


Swirling! Swirling! As a young girl I used to swirl – turn and turn and turn – every opportunity I was given because, believe it or not, it helped me to bring chaotic and disorganized information into a context I could understand. I swirled:

  • In the swimming pool, because I loved to swim and the quietness and relief it could
    bring being in the waves of cool waters.
  • On the theatre stage during a practice run until it was my time to perform to
    memorize my lines and actions in an organized fashion.
  • On the playground to let the sunshine radiant down on me or the rain to gently
    touch my hands and patter on my raincoat or that lovely Kansas wind brushing
    along my cheeks, all feelings that would infiltrate a sense of calmness.

At the time, decades ago, I did not realize that swirling had become an antidote for me to rationalize and make reason of challenging and disheartening events that were occurring continuously to our family and friends. Recently, I found myself SWIRLING again!

Between moving forward on our StellaVersed Consulting business initiatives, sustaining working knowledge of all the changes that effect our business and our clients from the current political impacts, continuing to take care of family and friends, and needing to find the time to take care of me – SWIRLING seemed like a great and creative response to the daily deluge of information and actions.

You can imagine the odd looks I received from other walkers and runners on our walking path to see a grown woman swirling and smiling up at the sun! I did have one person laugh with me, and another that encouraged me to continue turning – “It’s that kind of day” – she said.

She was right – It is That Kind of Day to:

  • Cherish Great Friends and Family
  • Appreciate who I am and where I am in This Moment and Time
  • Focus on What Really Matters
  • Lead by Positive Example
  • Celebrate Business Wins – Small and Large
  • Pick the Right Battles to Fight
  • Embrace the Silent and Peaceful Moments
  • Curiously Listen and Constantly Learn
  • Honor being A Woman!

As the famous song goes – “I Enjoy Being A Girl/Woman”. We are unique, diverse, intelligent, magnificent, friendly, intense, animated, vocal, massive entrepreneurs, inventive, innovative, collaborative, have hidden assets, and fiercely devoted to those we love.

Take the time this month to check out the following websites that house great information on Women in History:

And so much more you can find online in celebration of the contributions of women to the world – past, present, and future.
– Celebrate and Honor Women you Know and Love,
– Women who Inspire you,
– Women who are Courageous, and
– Women who Cherish and see Goodness in the Chaos

Including those who SWIRL!

Contact StellaVersed Consulting Firm, LLC as you need assistance individually or organizationally:
– Leadership Education Programs that can be customized to enhance and support your emerging and experienced women leaders.
– AI and IT Education Programs are comprehensive, even for the most novice of users.
– Positive+Ships Program designed to create an awareness of understanding on how to use positive relationship building as an ally, sponsor, mentor, and team member.

Tell us in the comments what is something that will make you SWIRL?

Have a Swirling & Happy Women’s History Month!

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